
Includes up to a 3 day rental (72Hours)
Horseshoes Party Game:
The game of "pitching" horseshoes is a time-honored picnic game and has been a mainstay of outdoor fun, even spurring the phrase that "being close only counts in horseshoes".
This hoseshoe game comes in a sturdy wooden box, complete with the metal horseshoes and stakes. The set-up of the game is not included in the price. Please request set-up and we will be glad to set-up the game for you for an additional $10.
Horseshoes Basic Rules of Horseshoes
The essential feature is the tossing or throwing of a horseshoe at a stake and scoring points by having the horseshoe encircle the stake (a "Ringer"), or being the closest to the stake. Each player stands at one stake and throws two horseshoes at the other stake. A "ringer" counts for 3 points. If no player throws a ringer, then the person who threw the shoe closest to the stake, as long as it is within the width of a shoe itself, can earn 1 point. Regulation games are played to a winning score of 50, while informal games are played up to 21.
Court Size: 50 feet long x 10 feet wide.
Distance Between Stakes: 40 feet
Height of Stakes: 14 inches above the ground.